Friday, October 29, 2021

South Dakota Sunset

The above sunset, just north of Lake Thompson, was so amazing! The picture isn't completely accurate, as the colors were mostly pastel blue and pastel pink, rather than the periwinkle blue and peachy pink that is coming across in the photo. But it was so beautiful! 

And, to think I would have missed it, had I not had my curiosity piqued by the lovely image below. 

As I was running something out to my car, I saw that the eastern sky (below) had a beautiful pastel blue along the horizon and a lovely pastel pink layer just above it. With such beautiful colors reflecting from the west, it made me wonder what the actual sunset looked like. I can't see the sunset from my apartment because of the town, so I got in my car and drove out of town, toward Lake Thompson. It was definitely worth investigating.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

X Marks the Spot

When I looked out this morning to see what the sunrise was doing (soon I won't be able to see it until it's above the little clinic, as it keeps rising more to the south), I was surprised to see a giant X in the morning sky. 

I'm sure it must have been intentional, as planes don't generally fly in such a fashion. 

It's right over my friend's farmstead, almost as if they were having a big sale or something they want to advertise, lol. Interesting start to the day.

The Elusive Hawk

I often see hawks perched on fence posts as I'm driving around this area, but it never seems to happen when I can pull over and try to get a few pictures. So I usually just utter a quick prayer of thanks for being so blessed as to even catch a glimpse of such spectacular creatures and go about my way.

But today, heading back to Lake Preston from DeSmet, I was in no hurry, so I turned around and parked across the road. The photos of this red-tailed hawk aren't very clear. My focus was off, but I was able to get a few pictures, and it made my day.

I was even able to catch a shot in flight, though I would have been thrilled even more, had I been able to get more of a front view while in flight. 

But, when it rested on a tree branch, it must have read my mind, because after snapping several shots of it facing the other way, it finally turned around and gave me a fairly decent profile shot.

Little moments . . . they mean a lot.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

My First Nuthatch

It was very exciting to see something new out on the tree trunk. It's great seeing the mourning doves and the robins and the sparrows and the bluejays, but I was super happy to see a nuthatch make a showing! 

He/she (I'm still not good at knowing the difference) was loving the suet I had put out. In fact, it was smacking its beak. Mmmm-mmm. 

Such a beautiful little bird!

After a bit, it scampered up the side of the tree with a beakful of suet, deposited it somewhere on a limb, and scurried back down again. Why it didn't fly up, I don't know. Maybe that big bunch of suet would have thrown off its center of gravity. I don't know. but it sure was moving fast!

And went back for more!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Photoshoot for a Sparrow


Yesterday, this little house sparrow hopped up to my sliding glass door and asked me if I had time to do a photoshoot. I had some time, so I was happy to oblige!

She is very photogenic, don't you agree?

This is her demure look. 

She seemed happy with her photoshoot when she left.

Maybe she'll tell her friends. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Blank Stares from a Flock of Sheep


It's always such a pleasant surprise to see a flock of sheep unexpectedly, especially this time of year, when the backdrop is all earth tones. It complements their coloring, don't you think?

Pleasant for me, anyway - I don't know about them!
A bunch of blank stares is all I get. 

But it's still nice to see. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Blue Jay Storing Up for Winter

Whoever coined the phrase "eats like a bird" must not have spent a lot of time watching them eat! This blue jay looks like it was playing chubby bunnies with corn! I don't fill my mouth that full, even when I'm eating tacos or pizza. 

It sure was fun to watch!


Friday, October 8, 2021

Mourning Doves Aplenty

It's funny how many of the birds I became acquainted with in southern Texas that I am finding up here in South Dakota. The ones I'm seeing more than anything else are the fascinating mourning doves. 

I really didn't like the mourning doves when I first kept running into them on the nature trails in the Rio Grande Valley. I thought they were funny-looking and odd. But I came to like them there, and I am coming to like them more all the time. 

I love their piercing black eyes (though a lot of the mourning doves I saw in Texas had intriguing red and black eyes) and their quirky personalities. 

I think some of the birds are getting ready to leave town. I'm not sure what the mourning doves will do, but I'm enjoying them for now. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Why Did the Black Birds Cross the Road?

Once again, my search for second-hand furniture has led to me see some delightful sights. This time, I was heading to Oldham to look at a desk/table for my computer and TV. I saw some lovely sights on the way, but couldn't stop for pictures because I hadn't allowed enough time. But, having missed some goodies - like a hawk resting on a fence post and more - I was driving slowly along the country road, so that I wouldn't miss a thing. I saw some black birds along this fence line, and something told me stop and see if there was more than met the eyes.

No more had I stopped my car, than they not only flew from the fence line, but rose out of the grasses as well. I'm not sure what type of black birds they are. I thought maybe they were grackles, but they sure look smaller than the grackles I saw daily in southern Texas. But then, you know what they say about everything in Texas.

Of course, this begs the question . . . Why did the black birds cross the road?

Why else? 



Today, it got up to 60, or slightly above and the doves were having a hey-day!  It was fun to watch them, flying around, not a care in the w...