Friday, October 29, 2021

South Dakota Sunset

The above sunset, just north of Lake Thompson, was so amazing! The picture isn't completely accurate, as the colors were mostly pastel blue and pastel pink, rather than the periwinkle blue and peachy pink that is coming across in the photo. But it was so beautiful! 

And, to think I would have missed it, had I not had my curiosity piqued by the lovely image below. 

As I was running something out to my car, I saw that the eastern sky (below) had a beautiful pastel blue along the horizon and a lovely pastel pink layer just above it. With such beautiful colors reflecting from the west, it made me wonder what the actual sunset looked like. I can't see the sunset from my apartment because of the town, so I got in my car and drove out of town, toward Lake Thompson. It was definitely worth investigating.

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