Friday, October 8, 2021

Mourning Doves Aplenty

It's funny how many of the birds I became acquainted with in southern Texas that I am finding up here in South Dakota. The ones I'm seeing more than anything else are the fascinating mourning doves. 

I really didn't like the mourning doves when I first kept running into them on the nature trails in the Rio Grande Valley. I thought they were funny-looking and odd. But I came to like them there, and I am coming to like them more all the time. 

I love their piercing black eyes (though a lot of the mourning doves I saw in Texas had intriguing red and black eyes) and their quirky personalities. 

I think some of the birds are getting ready to leave town. I'm not sure what the mourning doves will do, but I'm enjoying them for now. 

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Today, it got up to 60, or slightly above and the doves were having a hey-day!  It was fun to watch them, flying around, not a care in the w...